Podiatry Service
The office of Dr. Mary Olszewski & Associates cares for many podiatric conditions.
Our doctors assist patients in all age groups, from child related conditions to those surrounding senior care. Dr Mary is also one of the only podiatric physicians in the Midwest to utilize dermal fillers to supplement fat pad loss on the bottom of the foot. Dr Mary has received advanced training in the area of dermal fillers and orthotics to relieve pain and discomfort. Podiatry is also at the forefront of diagnosing many systemic ailments which manifest themselves in the feet such as arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, gout, HIV, and diabetes as well as others. We participate in the diabetic shoe program which affords seniors affected by diabetes who need medicare approved diabetic shoes and heat moldable/custom orthotics.
We utilize advanced diagnostics including specific non-painful biopsies in order to develop a customized treatment plan for your needs.
Get the professional care and services you need for all of your podiatric ailments when you call the office of Dr. Mary Olszewski & Associates at 847-398-0900. Call today to schedule an appointment or visit us at 434 E. Palatine Rd.
Comprehensive list of services
- Abnormal growths
- Abnormal walking patterns
- Achilles tendonitis
- Antifungal nail polish
- Arch Pain
- Athlete’s Foot
- Blisters
- Bunions (Hallux Abducto Valgus)
- Cosmeceuticals & skin care products
- Custom orthotics
- Dermal fillers
- Diabetic foot care
- Diabetic shoes
- Fat pad loss
- Flat Feet
- Foot and ankle pain
- Fractures/Injuries
- Fungal Nails
- Hammer toes
- Heel Pain and Heel Spurs
- High Arched Feet
- Infections
- Ingrown Toenails
- Keloid scars
- Metatarsalgia
- Neuromas
- Numbness (peripheral neuropathy)
- Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
- Tendinitis
- Running Injuries
- Shin Splints
- Sports injuries
- Sprains
- Spurs
- Stress Fractures
- Tendonitis
- Trauma
- Ulcers and nonhealing sores
- Warts